Friday, 1 August 2014


Three elderly architects in their 50s were furious at a firm they've worked for.

"23 years of service and this bugger Donald doesn't show any appreciation", said Kevin the 52 year old designer.

"I've been here for 20 years and I doubt if Donald knows my second name." James added.

As the geezers kept ranting, Donald felt guilty standing at the door of the design office. He was about to walk in to give the loyal workers a project to do. He slowly pulled back the door and walked back to his office.

Donald sat behind his desk and reflected on how loyal these men were to him. Many came and went after getting better offers, some got expirience and started their own firms... He should reward these men. He picked his phone and asked his secretary to summon the three men to his office.

"Fellows, I've realized you guys have been really loyal to me, each of you serving this firm for not less than 20 years. I think it's time I rewarded you with a final project. Now I need each one of you to design a house worth 30 million shillings in a week. I'll have the money sent into your accounts, you'll supervise the buildings from foundation to its final nitty grittys. So quickly get on it."

The 3 men left so disgusted. "I think this guy wants to fire us", said Phillip.

"He gets such big contracts and wants us to slave for him, then dump us", said James.

Kevin took a long heavy breath and said,"Guys, let's not be silly. Let's do the 30 million designs and as soon as the money is in our accounts, let's do a shoddy job of like 10 million and keep the 20."

"Kevin, he's most likely going to audit", said Phillip.

"No way, he trusts us, are you in?"

"Yes I am".

"How about you James?"

"I don't know, this guy has been so loyal to us to by giving us an opportunity, if it means him sending us off like this, so be it. I came in clean,  I'll go even cleaner."

So the 3 architects embarked into their projects,  in a weeks time they had come with beautiful designs and as promised 30 million shillings was deposited into their accounts.

When James went looking for the best stone masons, Phillip and Kevin went buying cheap bricks for the foundation and bribed the sellers to write them fake receipts.

When James went looking for cement from the best cement factory, Phillip and Kevin went to a cheap cement producer amd went to the company James bought cement and bribed to get fake receipts.

James went for the best everything within the 30 million shillings budgets where as Phillip and Kevin were busy going for below standard materials and labor and spent money bribing for fake documentation so as to survive being busted during auditing.

After 4 months Phillip and Kevin had their houses up while James' house was still being constructed, because he insisted on precision and accuracy. Everything was done down to detail and near perfection, even Phillip and Kevin got worried because the house looked like a 30 million shillings house but they didn't give a damn.

From their projects Phillip saved 3 million shillings and Kevin made 2.8 shillings. It still didn't make sense to them because so little went into the houses, they spent so much on bribing and using sub standard materials at times were forced to redo some works, at times the workers messed up because they weren't qualified but they made some millions.

5 months later James was done. The architects delivered the reports back to Donald after 9 months. Donald gave them cheques for 1 million to have the houses furnished. Whoever's moving into these houses must be some serious fellows.

Surprised by their bosses trust in them the fellows went out shopping. James went to the best furniture makers, bought state of the art electronics and the house was brilliant.

Phillip and Kevin went to second hand shops and even bought broken stuff and had them repaired.

Finally the day of inspection came and Donald inspected the houses and without saying a word asked the gentlemen to follow him to the office. 

The three men parked their cars. "So this is our last walk into Donald's construction", Phillip said.

"It was great working with you boys", said Kevin.

"You're leaving the firm millionaires, I was stupid to think that he would spare my job if I did my best", regretted James.

As they walked into the lobby, they were met with shouts of, SURPRISE!!!!

Donald had arranged a farewell party for them. It was emotional as everyone spoke so passionate about them. Finally the big boss had to say something.

"You guys have been to loyal and I must give you a magnificent send off, but how else can I reward other than give you houses worth 30 milkion shillings. Here, these are keys to the very houses you designed, built and furnished."

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